Monday, April 27, 2009

We Found the site for our wedding!!!

I am so excited, we have found the place to have our wedding.... The Towers in Narragansett! I went on a tour on Friday with my mom, the place is beautiful and has gorgeous views of Narragansett Bay. I called today and we have been penciled in for June 4th, 2010! Once my mom and i get their packet in the mail and look it over we will fill out the application send in the deposit. I am so excited i can't sit still. I hope the fact that its on a Friday won't be a problem for our guests. Any way i was so excited i had to tell someone.

*** If you want to see what it looks like the website is ***


Thursday, April 16, 2009


I love babies, I always have. Their cute chubby little cheeks, nubby little knees, even their sent. Ryan and I have discussed having children after we get married. I want a daughter so i can do all the mother/daughter stuff that i do with my mom. 

Well the other night I was thinking about Ryan & I, when we would have children and such. When we had discussed it before it seemed like I wanted to wait a couple of years but he didn't. But the other night i was thinking that maybe we shouldn't wait to have children. Ryan is 4 years older then me so he is almost thirty, I figure that since he is getting older we shouldn't wait, I have a feeling its going to take awhile to get pregnant so we should start right away. When I mentioned this to him he said that we should wait a year, maybe a year and a half. I was surprised at his response but I'm going to talk to him about this again before the wedding and see if he changes his mind. You never know, he just might!


Wedding Planning

So the wedding planning is underway sort of speak. I have gotten tons of wedding magazines and cut out the pictures of the things I like. I know i want my bridesmaids to wear purple tea length dresses and the groomsmen to wear black suits with purple ties/handkerchiefs. As for flowers I want my bouquet to have roses and Gerber daises. We haven't decided where we want to have the wedding but Im sure we will decided soon. 

I can't wait to get married and start my life with Ryan. We have all these ideas for our future, i can;t wait to make them reality.